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Women & Theatre Program+
Allied Feminist Coalition

Celebrating 43 Years of Scholarship and Activism

Our mission is to bring theatre professionals together with academics and activists. In the years since our inception, WTP+ has sponsored panels and activities at ATHE’s annual conference. In 1980, WTP+ began holding its own annual pre-ATHE conference. WTP+ conferences feature panels, informal discussions, workshops, and performances as a means to foster both research and production of feminist, anti-racist, and queer theatre activities and praxis. WTP+ conference topics have included the intersection of theory and performance, multicultural theatre, lesbian, queer, and trans-feminist theory and theatre, and many intersectional aspects of feminist inquiry. The continuing goal of WTP+ is to enable inquiry and practice dedicated to the project of anti-racist and feminist pedagogy and discourse and to provide opportunities for discussion between those who teach, perform, and theorize about feminism, queerness, theatre, and performance.


Archiving Revolutions / Anthologizing Movements

From the 2015 Montreal pre-conference, this panel featured  Carmelita Tropicana, Holly Hughes, Jill Dolan, and Maya Roth in conversation, moderated by Sara Warner.

This session spotlights two about groundbreaking feminist and lesbian aesthetic political practices: Memories of the Revolution: The First Ten Years of the WOW Café edited by Carmelita Tropicana and Holly Hughes with an introduction by Jill Dolan (U. Mich Press) and Feminist Plays For American Stages: Winning Jane Chambers Contest Plays And Interviews, 2007-15 edited by Maya Roth and Jen-Scott Mobley. 


This event was funded with generous assistance from the Arch and Bruce Brown Foundation, providing funding for LGBT-themed arts projects based on, or inspired by, history.

We Welcome Your Support

WTP+ is a nonprofit organization. All donations are tax deductible and support the work of women theatre artists. Please see our Donate page for more information.

Women & Theatre Program+ Allied
Feminist Coalition

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